National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) held a farewell session for its retired staff. The session held at the NACOSTI headquarters doubled as a farewell for the outgoing Director General – Dr. Moses Rugutt PhD, OGW.

The outgoing staff are:

  1. Mr. Bjourn Meru – Retired Principal Analyst, Humanities & Social Sciences
  2. Dr. Margaret Maimba – Retired Chief Analyst, Earth and Space
  3. Dr. Simon Lang’at – Retired Chief Analyst, Biological and Health Sciences

The retiring staff expressed their gratitude to NACOSTI senior management and the staff for the support that they had been accorded during their time at the commission.

The New Director General – Prof. Walter Oyawa, welcomed the board Chairman – Prof. Peter Ogada to introduce the board members present and the representative from the Ministry of Education. The board members present were Dr. Nicholas Kibiwott Letting, Prof. Francis W. Muregi, PhD, Ms. Rachel Shibalira and Mr. Dan Mesis. They all congratulated the retiring staff for the commitment that they had demonstrated in their work while at the commission.

The board chairman then introduced the representative from the Ministry of Education. Mr. Peter Okwanyo – Secretary Administration, University Education and Research to give his remarks and a message from the Ministry of Education. He congratulated and commended the retiring staff for the hard work they had put in during their time at the commission.

This was followed by an appreciation cake cutting ceremony and handing of gifts and memorabilia to the retired team.

NACOSTI wishes them all the very best in their future endeavors and the next season of their lives.