Domain 5: Freedom and responsibility in science

An ongoing social revolution in many societies is concerned with combating racism and gender stereotypes, recognizing the value of all and ensuring inclusivity. These issues are as important in science as they are in wider society. At the same time, political destabilization and the climate emergency have led to a new era of displacement of peoples seeking refuge in other countries. These pressures have also tended to inhibit freedom in the practice of science, while endemic inequalities have undermined the capacity of many states to support the science systems they need.


  • ‘Combating systemic discrimination in science’
  • ‘Gender equality in science’ (Phase II)
  • ‘Science in Exile’
  • ‘Foresight for new collaborative platforms to support LMIC science systems’

Anticipated impacts

  • Increased awareness and concerted action that enables institutional change within the global science community to combat racism and other forms of systemic discrimination in science.
  • Increased gender equality and inclusivity in science systems throughout the world.
  • An active international network that coordinates action to protect and support refugee and displaced scientists, enabling them to continue their scientific work in safety and to contribute to the preservation and further development of science in their home countries.
  • Agreed mechanisms for mobilizing collective action from science funders and science policy-makers to address persistent global inequalities in scientific capacity and in access to science.

Source: https://council.science/actionplan/diversity-inclusivity-freedom-in-science/