Tuesday,18th April 2023:
The doors at the NACOSTI Conference and Hostel Complex officially swung open. The much-anticipated move saw the grand opening of the KIPEVU restaurant – based at the ground floor of the NACOSTI Conference and Hostel Complex. The Commission has leased the cafeteria section to KIPEVU restaurant, which is a popular food outlet across Nairobi town.

The complex comprises forty-eight rooms and an equipped gym which will soon be fully operational after the final touches being put in place. KIPEVU will serve not only NACOSTI staff but also staff from the sister agencies within the NACOSTI Plaza such as National Research Fund, Kenya National Innovation Agency, University Fund Board, Kenya National Qualifications Authority and National Biosafety Authority. The restaurant is also open to staff from neighboring institutions such as Sugar Directorate, Kenya Dairy Board and other private entities in the neighborhood.
This move seeks to improve the staff welfare and consequently increase productivity of all these staff. Previously they had to seek meals from far or forfeit altogether while on duty. Speaking during the event, Mr. Gideon Kirui – Deputy Director – Finance, NACOSTI indicated that the CEOs led by NACOSTI Director General – Prof. Oyawa, would from time to time sponsor joint luncheons and utilize this venue to bring their staff together as a way of building synergies among the institutions.
The restaurant will offer a variety of snacks and meals, mostly of Kenyan and African cuisine and a variety of drinks and beverages.