ICGEB Workhop ‘Strengthening Advanced Biotechnologies in Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa through Regional Research Centres’ Nairobi, Kenya – May 2023

Nairobi, Kenya: From 23 – 25 May 2023, the ICGEB Workshop organised by the Kenyan National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) takes place.

The workshop entitled “Strengthening Advanced Biotechnologies in Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa through Regional Research Centres (RRC)” took place concurrently with the 2nd Kenyan Multisectoral Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The ICGEB delegation led by Director General Dr Lawrence Banks, included Dr. Ramesh Sonti, Director ICGEB New Delhi, India, Dr Luiz Zerbini, Acting Director ICGEB Cape Town, South Africa, Dr. Vittorio Venturi, Scientific Coordinator ICGEB Trieste, Italy and Ms Claudia Russo, Communications and Outreach, ICGEB Cape Town, South Africa.

Addressing the Opening Session of the Multisectoral Conference on the 23rd of May, Dr Banks expressed the ICGEB’s tremendous enthusiasm in working together with Kenya in establishing the RRC & making a difference to the population of East and Central Africa.

The ICGEB Workshop, covering topics on advancements in agricultural research; new and emerging technologies for global food security as well as challenges facing agricultural development in the region, also focused on the RRC, including a discussion on the roadmap for its establishment, a regional needs assessment and discussions on technology developments.

ICGEB Programme beneficiaries presented on their ICGEB funded research projects and key findings, with the Workshop providing an excellent opportunity to meet with the ICGEB delegation and engage further.

Next steps for the RRC include finalised plans for the way forward in it’s establishment and continued discussions with NACOSTI and Egerton University
