The National Commission for Science and Technology and Innovation(NACOSTI) actively participated during the 41st IASP conference. Ms. Harriet Kinya a staff at NACOSTI, spoke about Digital Transformation a case study of Kenya Education Sector focused on unlocking youth potential.

Ms. Harriet in her presentation emphasised on how the Kenya Government is investing heavily in Education which is at the heart of vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) that ensures. “Inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”. In 2016, Kenya’s Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology created the Digital Literacy Programme, which placed emphasis on training teachers in the delivery of digital learning content. In all, approximately 81,000 teachers were trained under the programme. Digital transformation has been fast-tracked in the wake of the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). The Pandemic prompted an explosion in remote working and remote learning (A.E. Al Lily, et al. 2020), hence transforming the traditional approach to education from spatially fixed and geographically limited to virtual set-up.

As digital transformation continues to reshape the education landscape, institutions must embrace flexible, innovative platforms to stay competitive. Learning educational institutions can ensure they are not only meeting the expectations of today’s tech-savvy students but also preparing for the future of education where learning is personalized, accessible and collaborative.

Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword –Educators and policymakers must strike a balance between traditional methods and technological integration, ensuring that technology enhances, rather than undermines, the learning experience. Ms. Harriet had an opportunity to present among other experts/presenters from China and Qatar.