The UNESCO Regional Offices for Western, Eastern, and Southern Africa organized a crucial workshop aimed at enhancing the first version of the study, The Role of Women in Science and Innovation. This initiative sought to strengthen data and case studies, particularly from Francophone regions, where six countries—Senegal, Togo, Mauritania, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), and Uganda—were selected to participate. The workshop aimed to drive concrete actions and commitments to support women’s full participation in Africa’s scientific and technological development, in alignment with the AU Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024).

The three-day workshop, held from February 24th to 26th, 2024, at Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, followed an earlier workshop in July 2024 in Cotonou, Benin. Participants included researchers, policymakers, academic leaders, representatives from international and regional organizations, private sector stakeholders, and youth from Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania. NACOSTI played a key role in the event, represented by Christine Apakoreng, Deputy Director of Institutional Registration and Accreditation. Attendees exchanged insights, best practices, and evidence-based strategies to advance gender equality in STEM and beyond across Africa.

Building upon findings from the first workshop in Benin, the primary focus in Nairobi was on current practices and prospects in Anglophone African countries. The goal was to ensure that the unique experiences, challenges, and successes of selected countries were well-documented and incorporated into the final report. Additionally, perspectives from Kenya and Tanzania, which were not part of the initial study, were included to provide a more comprehensive regional analysis. The initiative aims to serve as a roadmap for policymakers, academic institutions, and industry leaders to foster gender-responsive STEM policies and drive Africa’s innovation agenda forward.

The workshop integrated contributions from diverse stakeholders—including academia, private sector, and civil society—who are committed to promoting gender equality in STEM. Discussions centered on addressing safety and security concerns for women in STEM, particularly gender-based violence, and proposing remedial policy measures. The workshop also considered perspectives from the social sciences and humanities to ensure a balanced and complementary approach beyond just STEM. Key recommendations were formulated for effective advocacy to improve women’s inclusion and participation in science and innovation.

Data reviewed during the workshop revealed a significant increase in GDP in countries that invested in women’s education, particularly in STEM fields. However, the underrepresentation of African women in STEM remains a pressing issue, highlighting persistent gender inequality. Strengthening investment policies in education and training in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) is not just a necessity but a strategic priority for the continent’s sustainable development. Achieving this goal requires an inclusive approach that removes structural barriers and ensures equitable access for women to these disciplines.

Africa can address gender disparities in STEM by developing tailored solutions that consider local socio-economic and cultural factors. By implementing policies that support women in STEM through mentorship, research funding, and institutional backing, the continent can drive significant change. Reducing gender inequalities in STEM is essential not only for closing the skills gap but also for improving women’s employment prospects, enhancing productivity, and contributing to Africa’s long-term economic growth and global competitiveness.

A key takeaway from the workshop was the urgent need to address the safety and security of women scientists, particularly concerning gender-based violence in STEM fields. Women in research and innovation often face harassment, discrimination, and safety risks, which can discourage them from pursuing or excelling in STEM careers. Creating a safe and inclusive environment is crucial to enabling women to fully utilize their creativity and innovation. Advocacy efforts should focus on policies that protect women scientists and promote supportive work environments.

The workshop played a crucial role in developing a comprehensive and impactful report on the role of women in science and innovation in Africa. By incorporating perspectives and experiences from Anglophone countries, it aims to present a more inclusive and representative analysis of the challenges and opportunities for women in STEM across the continent. The final report will serve as a strong evidence base and a powerful advocacy tool to influence policy decisions, mobilize resources, strengthen partnerships, and create new programs aimed at fostering gender equality in Africa’s science and innovation landscape.